Finance Family Freedom

How to Get Credit Cards Without Your Social Security Number

Written by Robert Thompson Jr | 12/21/20

As many of you guys may know there are three credit bureaus when it comes to personal credit. You have Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian. Each of those three credit bureaus is going to report what we call a Tradeline. Tradelines are open accounts for money that you have borrowed. This is how the credit reporting agency reports that information. Any loans will show up on your credit profile as tradelines. Many people have different credit scores based on their own credit profile. Imagine sitting next to someone with the same credit card but you have a lower credit score or vice versa.

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why you should get tradelines

 When it comes to personal credit they are judging you on different things. The tradelines are also what type of accounts you have. How long you’ve had the account. How you will pay them, and how much of the limit you’ve used. Different types of aspects will factor in when it comes to your personal credit score. When applying for a credit card they will approve or decline you. Sometimes they will approve you right on the spot and mail you the card later. When applying for lots of different credit cards this can drop your score three to five points. Credit card companies will not want you to have more than 5 hard inquiries for a credit card in the past 24 months. This secret rule is the  5/24 rule. You really want to see if you can start getting credit cards without having to pull your credit.


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Soft credit pull vs hard credit pull

Most of us do not know you could go to capital one credit card and see if they approve of you. That is going to result in a hard inquiry. Applying and getting credit cards without having to use your Social Security number is key. First, the difference between a hard inquiry is when someone pulls your credit report. They look at the whole credit report and then they put an inquiry on your credit report.

There’s also something called a soft pull. This is a game-changer. This doesn’t pull your whole credit report but based on some of the things that you’ve already done and things that you have in public records they know who you are. I know this is crazy and this scares some people but we are in a very small world. AI is artificial intelligence they know who you are if you are in public records. You literally can get into public records and start getting credit cards and credit card offers without them ever pulling your credit just by doing these things.

1. get into public records

First, you want to do is say yes I need to get into Public records. This is a Hack that you can do and they will never have to pull your full social security number on file. I’m not talking about business credit I’m talking strictly personal credit. The first thing that you need to do is get inside public records. Make sure you subscribe to us so you get Free Content on your financial freedom journey.

 How you get into public records is absolutely amazing and it’s free. Have you ever been to like CVS or Kroger or Publix? Different types of grocery stores that have those little cards, well you want to go ahead and apply for one of those cards so that you can get into public records because what they do is they gather all of that data into a database if you ever opened up your mailbox and you had credit card offers, this is how they got your information so here’s an easy one that you can do because you need to do like two or three of these in order to get into the public record and it’ll take just a couple weeks but you have to remember this is how you’re going to get credit cards without pulling your social security number guys so it’s worth it.

2. Rewards card

You want to go to for example like CVS okay and they have a rewards card and you go ahead and get that reward card with your first and your last name using the address that you currently have that you’re going to use for the credit cards, okay so don’t start using different addresses you want to use your full name so that way that you use it on your credit report you want to address that you physically live there.

You’re going to use these future credit cards and you want to make sure that you do this at more than one place you don’t want to do just CVS but you can do other places like CVS, Walgreens, Kroger’s have different rewards programs for all of those free Rewards program basically will send you information into the public record and I know, I know some of you guys are Like I don’t want to be in the public record that I don’t want people to know my information.

they need to know that you’re a real person that you’re not living in a cave and want to make sure you were real and productive. Then you will start getting credit card offers in the mail from some of these companies. I’m going to tell you how to get those credit cards.

3. Shopping cart method

Here are the secret ways. It is a method called the shopping cart method and this is something that I have done but you have to do Step 1 first that I just told you about. Then all you have to do is for example go to you start putting some things in your shopping cart when you go to pay for those things it will offer you to apply for credit and if you are in public records and again you want to go into incognito mode I’m giving you all the info here.

You want to use Chrome okay don’t use Safari or Internet Explorer in one of you’s calling you to want and use an incognito mode okay if you don’t know this is you need to learn it is called Chrome Incognito mode and this is where they can’t see all of your info actually hiding a little bit but this is going to let you know if you’re able to do this right now or if you have to wait a couple of weeks you going to Victoria’s Secret in the dark incognito mode you put a couple of things in your shopping cart.

How to get the credit cards

Put at least $200 in there and then when you go to buy it is going to offer you to apply for credit and when it only asks you for those last four digits of your Social Security and doesn’t ask you for the full social security number you will know that is a soft credit card pull.

They are not pulling your full credit profile and it won’t affect your credit score. Down below is a bonus company(Blockfi) that gives you loans on your cryptocurrency in their interest account without running your credit score. Click the link and learn more


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By Thompson Empire

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