Finance Family Freedom

How to boost your immune system naturally

assorted fruits scattered on table near watermelon plate and vases
Photo by Jill Burrow on

It is natural for people to want to know how they can boost their immune system naturally and fast. The issue is that the majority of people only usually take an interest in their immune system when things are not well. You won’t be able to boost your immune system overnight, it will take time to see a significant difference. Several lifestyle changes may strengthen your body’s natural defenses to help you fight harmful pathogens. Focus on doing several different things to boost your immune system at once is the holistic way to go.


 Practicing good hygiene is important and there is no excuse for not practicing good hygiene. Doing this will  significantly reduce your risk of becoming sick. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after using the bathroom and avoid touching your face. Keeping your body clean regularly to ensure to keep bacteria and viruses away. 

Denying harmful pathogens entry into your body due to poor hygiene will help keep your immune system strong.  You can never keep bad bacteria out 100% no matter how clean you are so always work on strengthening your immune system.

Decrease Alcohol intake

Alcohol is not only damaging to your liver but your immune system as well. Your body prioritizes metabolizing alcohol before anything else. Since there’s no way to store alcohol it has to move to the front of the line. Making it harder for your immune system to gear up and defend the body from diseases.

 I know we all love a good drink when hanging out with family and friends, but you can quickly give your immune system a boost by reducing your alcohol intake. Excessive drinking or drinking on a daily basis can significantly compromise the immune system. No worries the damage can be reversed by just reducing your intake or stop drinking. In 24 to 48 hours you could see an improvement in your immune system 


A popular saying you may have heard is “ I will sleep when I am dead” This saying scares me for two reasons. First, You create your own reality and the words you speak become your true self. Second, Proper sleep can help you maintain a healthy immune system. 

 If you do not get the right amount of sleep then the functions that need to happen in your body to help your immune system will be limited. Poor quality of sleep is linked to a higher susceptibility to sickness. In a study that was conducted with  164  healthy Individuals, those who slept less than 6 hours each night were more susceptible to catching a cold than those who slept 6 hours or more.

Down time for everything is important. You have to eventually power off your computer to keep it up and running properly.  Luckily you can  give your immune system a boost in just a few days by  establishing a better sleeping schedule. Start today and reap the benefits!

It’s important to get around 8 hours of quality sleep every night so  that you can maintain a healthy immune system. 

Increase Healthy Food intake

This is a key factor to boosting your immune system. Your body makes new cells every 30 days based on what you ate 30 days prior. You are what you eat literally. The transition is fairly simple. Focus on eating more fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes in your lifestyle. This will supply you with the  nutrients and antioxidants for a healthy immune system. If you have an unhealthy food intake then your immune system will not be as strong as it needs to be leading to a poor defense for invaders. 

 Exploring whole foods that provide you with nutrients is the key to keep your immune ready to defend you when needed. Some you may not have heard of are Seamoss, bladderwrack & burdock root. Intaking  these three daily will give you a daily super boost of nutrients you need daily along with your fruits and vegetables. Keeping a healthy gut will help keep harmful pathogens from entering your body via digestive tract.

Boosters for immune system

Feeding your body certain food may provide you with a strong immune system.

I have provided a list of my Top 5 foods that help boost the immune system.

1. Sea Moss

Sea moss has 92 of the 102 minerals your body needs to function. It also helps the body reduce inflammation, infection, and rid the body of mucus. People often refer to sea moss as “ the anti’s” Anti- inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-bacterial, and antiviral. The recommended amount of sea moss gel to take daily is 1-2 tablespoons. I personally take up to ¼ cup daily.  You can order your wildcrafted sea moss from the carribean sea at Dealsamillion.

2. Burdock Root

Burdock root can rehabilitate the liver by restrengthening and revitalizing the liver so it can push off pathogens. Cleansing your lymphatic system  and the blood, enhancing your white blood cells to keep the lymphs strong. Promotes increased circulation and a natural diuretic.

3. Bladderwrack

 Is a common seaweed that is known for its exceptional combination of macro and micronutrients. Attention has been drawn to this seaweed because of its ability to improve thyroid health and possibly aid in weight loss. Helps boost the immune system, increases energy, and is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.  Bladderwrack is high in fiber which can promote a healthy gut.

4. Ginger

 It is an antiviral, antibacterial antioxidant, and antiparasitic. Reduces inflammation and calms nausea. Ginger is a more powerful anticoagulant than garlic or onions. Adding one ounce of fresh ginger to a juice is an excellent way to take advantage of its healing properties.

5. Citrus fruits

 Vitamin c is thought to increase the production of white blood cells, a key factor in fighting infections. Almost all citrus fruits are high in vitamin c. Some popular citric fruits are:limes, lemons,oranges, clementines and grapefruits. Daily intake of vitamin c is important because your body doesn’t produce or store it.

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By Thompson Empire

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