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Top 10 Tips On How To Lose Weight

Written by Chelsea Thompson | 3/5/2021

There is numerous information online about Shakes and pills you can take that will help you shed pounds fast. However, much of it is questionable and has long-term effects or you regain your weight back later on, which can be frustrating. With that being said, Some may even ask “well what should I do?”. Below I provided 10 easy ways to lose weight naturally.

Add plant-based protein to your plate

Protein is your best friend when you want to shed a couple of pounds. Therefore, Try incorporating Avocados, with one avocado you gain four grams of protein. In turn, you will feel fuller and decrease your appetite. In addition, Spinach is also good to add to your food. Spinach also contains vitamin K, fiber, phosphorus, and thiamine. Most of the calories in spinach come from protein and carbohydrates.

Say yes to whole foods

You can’t say you want to be healthier without mentioning whole foods. Whole foods such as fruits and vegetables are packed full of phytochemicals. These natural compounds can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular and other diseases. Fruits and vegetables also contain nutrients and fiber, and it’s the best way to make sure you are healthy.

Say no to processed foods

Although, many of us have families or busy schedules processed foods makes it much easier to provide a meal throughout the day. However, everything has its disadvantage. Eating processed foods is usually high in added sugars, fats, and calories. These ingredients make the food we eat last longer, but too much of them leads to serious health issues like obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. (fun fact: processed foods are meant for you to eat excessively, which can turn into an addictive-like pattern.

Healthy food and snacks in Home

1- 12 oz can of Coke contains 140 calories from sugar.  it’s amazingly true that your weight and eating behaviors are affected by the food you keep in your home. Providing more healthy food options can increase the chances of eating healthier whole foods and reducing the chance of your family or loved ones eating unhealthy. Yes, they are numerous amounts of natural healthy snacks that you can prepare easily and can have on the go. Some are yogurt, whole fruits and nuts, celery, and carrots.

Watch your added sugar intake 

Sugar is usually hidden in various processed foods, so many people will consume large amounts of sugar without realizing it. Moreover, large amounts of added sugar intake are linked to heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. According to Angeles Institute, The average American Consumes 17 teaspoons every day. That translates into about 57 pounds of sugar consumed each year per person. The American Heart Association recommends the following guidelines:

Women: 6 teaspoons of added sugar per day which equals 100 calories per day

Men:  9 teaspoons of added sugar per day which  equals 150 calories per day 

Children: 3-6 teaspoons of added sugar per day which equals 50 to 100 calories per day.


Drinking a glass of water when you first wake to help your body eliminate toxins that your body has been collecting while you were sleeping. which in turn can help you lose weight! Try drinking water before your meals to help you suppress your appetite and give your body a sense of fullness ultimately helping you eat less. You can replace your high sugar and calorie beverages with infused water or just plain water that’s 100% calorie-free to help aid in losing weight. For example, you can drink the following infused water to incorporate in your daily hydration.

 lemon and mint  cleansing water

cucumber cleansing water

apple and cinnamon cleansing water

 grapefruit cleansing water

 orange cleansing water

 This will help you reduce your sugar and calorie intake throughout the day.

YAY! Black coffee

Did you know black coffee is a fat-burning beverage but, you need to drink it in moderation without added sugars? Coffee is loaded with antioxidants and other beneficial compounds. 

Drinking coffee increases your energy level. You work more if you have some 30 minutes before your workout session. Black coffee also helps to boost metabolism by almost 50%. One study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology in April 2015, studied the dietary habits of more than 93,000 people to look for patterns between coffee consumption and weight. The study authors observed that people who drank more coffee had a lower risk of obesity as well as a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. 

Pure Konjac Root powder

The konjac plant has a starchy root called a corm. Furthermore, the corm is high in a type of water-soluble dietary fiber glucomannan. According to the Medical News Today, there are several different products that use konjac corm  including

Konjac Flour: Producers make this by grinding down dried konJac corms to make flour. people can use this to make noodles.

 Konjac jelly: Further processing konjac flour can form a jelly or gum. This can be used as an alternative to gluten, which people can use as a food thickener.

Konjac soluble fiber: Purifying konjac jelly further turns it into a soluble fiber that serves as a dietary supplement.

 The benefits of Konjac include diabetes management, weight, and cholesterol control, helps with constipation, promotes healthy skin and wound healing.

Watch out for liquid Calories

You can find liquid calories in sugary soft drinks, fruit juices, energy drinks, and even chocolate milk. Avoiding these drinks would be essential in becoming healthier. Decreasing your intake will decrease your risk of obesity especially in children. Liquid calories can add hundreds of extra calories a day. This misconception of various drinks not being counted as calories in our lifestyle is what makes them dangerous. They will cause you to have your calories add up quickly to extra calories be consumed throughout the day. The sugar from these types of drinks is absorbed by our bodies quicker leading to higher blood sugar spikes.

Limit your Intake of refined carbs

Carbs are grains that have been stripped of all bran, fiber, and nutrients leaving you with only easily digested carbs including the risk of overeating. The main source for refined carbs is white Fiber, white bread, white rice, pastries, Sodas, snacks, pasta, sweets, and some popular breakfast cereal. You can replace these items easily by trading the right grain for whole high-fiber brown foods like whole-grain bread and bagels, whole wheat flour, and whole-grain cereal.

 Instead of white rice replace that with quinoa. Quinoa is a high protein and fiber alternative alongside are brown rice, red rice, or black rice served with vegetables and beans.

 Beans are high in fiber. Therefore, One cup gives you about half of your daily recommended intake. You can make a delicious snack with your veggies and have a side of bean dip or hummus. Dave’s killer whole-grain bread or any of Davie’s killer bread collections are healthy and delicious. Incorporating berries or bananas in your daily dishes will provide you with more fiber. An apple provides 4 grams of fiber if eaten with the skin. It must be true, an apple a day will keep the doctor away. 


Use these tips to help you on your weight loss journey. Let me help you jumpstart a healthier lifestyle where you will adopt healthy habits to Aid in losing weight and keeping it off! This program will provide you with a community that will help you stay motivated,  celebrate the small and big wins, and help stay accountable. Doing this will help you better your life holistically. join us today and help us Inspire others to shed pounds naturally. 


Try this healthy recipe! 👇🏾