Finance Family Freedom

Top 20 ways to start off your new year

Written by Robert Thompson III | 1/5/21

Everyone wants this year to be their year. But some people just don’t know how to do that. That’s why we have 20 ways to give you a head start in this new year. We did all the research and found the best ways to start off your new year. We made one for everyone so you’ll definitely find your fit. Just make sure you stay consistent to achieve your goal!

20. Practice the one-a-day principle 

Doing something helpful, kind, or thanking a particular person each day will help your friends/family a lot. Try doing it by sending a letter or helping them lift or move something, or just simply thanking them for a certain thing they did. Using the one-a-day principle will make your business and life remarkable.

19. Invest in a bright financial future

there are many ways to make a better future for you and your finances, for example, Start a savings account or learn about investing. here are some things you can do to improve yourself.

Don’t Make Excuses

Let Go of Anger

Practice Forgiveness

Be Honest and Direct

Be Helpful

Listen to Others

Act Locally

18. Expand your thinking with new experiences

Each month for 30 days in a row try something new that you wanted to do but didn’t do, and see how it affects your life. You can: exercise for 30 minutes each day, only listen to positive music, meditate for 20 minutes, or just visualize yourself achieving your goals. You should do at least 5 things you do every day that pushes you to your goal.

17. Write a personal mission statement or mantra

Write a mission statement or mantra to push yourself to your goals. This will help motivate and push you throughout the day. Your personal mission statement should only be one sentence long. The purpose is to focus only on what matters the most. A personal mantra is an affirmation to motivate and inspire you to be your best self. It is typically a positive phrase or statement that you use to affirm the way you want to live your life.

16. Increase your awareness of your thoughts

Become aware of what you are saying out of your mouth by recording what you say for an hour every day of the month. When you listen to your recordings you will know whether or not you are moving with momentum and purpose toward your vision. If you hear yourself speaking about limitations and problems then give yourself the chance to look for solutions and possibilities.

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15. Start a business plan

If you have a business idea and haven’t acted on it then it’s time to do something about it. Write down your ideas and start working on a business plan. If you need more information on it then you could buy a book or search the internet for tips.

14. Lose other people’s opinion

Stop worrying about other people’s opinions on certain things. You should care only about what you think. As Bill Cosby says, “I don’t know the key to success, but I know the key to failure is trying to please everybody”.

13. Write your top 10 goals you want to accomplish and hang them up where you can see them

Every month you should write your top ten goals you want to accomplish, and hag them up. If you see your goals every day then you will be more dedicated to taking action. However, if you do not dedicate yourself it will never happen. “A goal without a plan is just a wish” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery-.

12. Take daily steps toward achieving your long-term vision

Even the smallest step in the right direction could be the biggest step of your life. That means every day you need to take baby steps to achieve your goal. “Every small step counts to make a big change” -Vaishnoraj Shivan.

11. Plan a trip to where you always wanted to go

If you wanted to go to Spain, Australia, Europe, or any other country/state then pack your bag and go. The reason being is that traveling relieves stress. Travel is the ideal place to test yourself. It pushes people to their limits and gets them outside their comfort zone. You’ll discover how resourceful you are when you’re exposed to new places, people, and experiences. A week of traveling before you start working again is great.

10. Have gratitude

Being thankful and having appreciation, will help you and everyone else. For instance, if someone buys something for you be thankful and say thank you and appreciate it by taking care of it. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions and have good experiences with other people.

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9. Reconnect with family

Call your brother, sister, and parents often or visit them some days of the month. Reconnecting with family helps you and your family enjoy themselves. Spending time with loved ones also relieves stress. Keep in contact with your family and friends!

8. Increase your productivity

In order to succeed you need to be productive. This means that if you have spare time in your day then use that time to read an inspiring book that could help you on your path to success. Instead of watching TV on HBO, watch something that you can learn from on youtube. There are many ways of being productive you just need to sacrifice some things. As Daymond John said: “Sacrifice is giving up something of lesser value for something of greater value”.

7. Create an environment fostering your success

If you want to succeed you will have to be around people who share that sense of motivation. If the people you around are not on the path to success then you will slowly but surely fall into that direction.

6. Say “yes” when you want to say “no”

If you don’t want to do something you simply say “no”. But sometimes you have to say “yes”. The reason being is that saying yes opens you up to a lot of opportunities. The more opportunities the more possibilities and the closer you are to succeed.

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5. Reach your financial goals 

To reach your financial goal make a checklist of what you are going to do to reach that financial goal and once you do it for 2 months it will become a habit.

4. Keep friends close 

Keep your friends close so when you are in doubt you have someone to go to. Friends can also help in difficult situations.

3. Write a not-to-do list

There is a difference between being busy and productive. There are some things that you don’t need to do and it wastes your time. Make a not-to-do list so you know what wastes your time and what is productive.

2. Slow down to Speed up

Take your time to learn to execute the process then learn to speed up the process.     

1. Build value every day

Building trust and relationships are major in business and in life. Building trust can help with relationships also in everyday business. 

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By Thompson Empire

WELCOME To The Thompson Empire Blog. We are Rob, Chelsea, Nicoya, Robby, Jayden, and Duce. We trust you guys will enjoy our Awesome Family vlogs on Financial Education,Traveling, Homeschooling, Challenges and Pranks. Subscribe and Build with Us! Peace&Love to the FAMILY!